Fall Harvest

As I've mentioned before, Grady and I love to garden. We love watching our hard work and care turn into a fruitful harvest of delectable vegetables. Moreover, we love trying out new crops. Okay, so I'm really the one with the curious green thumb.

 This year we, I, decided to try our very own little pumpkin patch.

I LOVE pumpkins!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year and I could find a use for litlerally every pumpkin at the local pumpkin patch.

I tend to go a little overboard. Grady just has to close his eyes and walk the other direction while I load up our wagon. He usually doesn't interfere with my obssession as he knows how happy these gordy little pieces of gold make me.

So…this year I thought I'd be smart and plant my very own patch. Why spend money on something you can create yourself?

Well, our/my intent was good, but about two months too early.

The pumpkin patch was the most successful part of our garden. While everything else was suffering from the over abundance of rain early this summer and the excessive heat over the past few months, the pumpkins thrived.

We learned a few things along the way.

1. Once you plant a patch of anything know that you will not be able to mow the area that's planted. Make sure that your garden area is not going to have any grass growth because if it does grow you'll have a heck of a time finding the pumpkins, let alone the vines or the original mound to water.

2. Pumkins take over an astronomical area! Do not plant anything else near them. Our pumpkins choked out our watermelons and cucumbers.

3. If you want your pumpkins for an October/fall harvest wait until late June to plant your patch.

Last night we harvested our patch. Grady couldn't stand the ridiculous height of the grass any longer.

We picked our 9 pumpkins and let Tucker have fun.

8-24-10 018
8-24-10 008 (Notice the ridiculous grass behind Tucker!!!)

8-24-10 012
8-24-10 015 I can't get over this picture.  I love the kid's eyes!!!

I can't wait to give it a try again next year with knowledge we've gained this year.

Peace, love and the great pumpkin harvest.

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