The Anti-Gym

I can’t stand going to the gym.  I’ve tried joining several over the years and just can’t get motivated once I get there.  There’s just something about walking on this stationary “thing” and going NOWHERE. 

No, I don’t like the gym.  We’re not friends.

That doesn’t mean I don’t like exercise.  I LOVE walking.  Growing up in the country I always had miles and miles and miles of open road that I could roam with so many beautiful things to see.  It’s always been my ideal form of exercise.

Time isn’t always on my side and finding the 40 to 60 minutes I need to travel the 2 to 3 miles that I like to go isn’t always easy.

I was getting fed up with not finding that time last week and decided one evening that the kids were coming with me.  I loaded Ella in her stroller, told Tucker to grab his bike and off we went.

It turned out to be one of the best workouts I’ve gotten in a long time.  Pushing Miss Monkey in that big stroller over the rough gravel and up this…

is one heck of a workout, not only for my legs, but for my arms!!!

When we get to the top we can see some beautiful countryside.

Who can possibly get bored with this workout when you have all this beauty and nature to see?  It’s the best time and place for me to center myself and focus on what my goals are.  If I’ve had a bad day this is my place to work it out.

And believe it or not…the other night when I REALLY needed to go by myself because EVERYTHING was a disaster at home (the drama included lots of dog poo and a cranky baby)… I jogged.  Yep…you heard me right.  I. JOGGED.  No, it wasn’t a lot and no, I didn’t “run”.  I’ve set my sight small to start out and am trying to work my way up, but it’s a start.  Yes, it hurt a lot.  I wanted to stop so many times, but I pushed myself and I felt so much better for it in the end.

I haven’t had the chance to jog again due to having to take the kids with me and the weather being less than desirable, but I DO plan to go again.  I’m, actually, really excited about it.

I’m SO glad I hate the gym so much.  Otherwise…I doubt I’d appreciate God’s gymnasium as much as I do.

Peace, love and gravel treadmills!

4 thoughts on “The Anti-Gym

  1. I completely agree – the outdoors is way better! Am v impressed with your uphill buggy-pushing marathon…. Though it looks like the view was more than worth it!

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