Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

I won something!

Meg over at Whatever hosted a give-away a few weeks ago for some great stuff from The French Bull and HuePhoria.

Guess who won?

You got it.



The French Bull makes awesome platters and serving ware out of melamine.  So, my kiddos can’t break it if it gets knocked on the floor.  Everything they sell is bright and colorful.

HuePhoria makes hand blown, hand painted wine, martini and margarita glasses.  They ROCK!  There’s a style for everyone.

The giveaway was for an entertaining set combination from the two companies, all in a black and white theme.



The Fandango Martini glass.


The Dottie Martini glass.

The whole shebang

I think the platter design is spin and the coasters are obviously polka dots.

The Options

Look at all the awesome options for the glasses.

I love Tres-Fab, Pacific, Wicked, Atlantic, Hildy (reminds me of Wizard of Oz), Bobo and Seeing Red. 

The best part of all of this stuff is that it’s extremely affordable.  I think I just might be getting some gifts from here.

Go check them out.  You’ll love it!

Thanks Meg, The French Bull and HuePhoria!

Now I just need to learn how to make a Martini.

Peace, love and a French Bull in the china cabinet!