Father’s Day 2013

We had a low-key relaxing day with Grady’s dad this year.  It was a nice change of pace from the rat race we’d been dealing with for a few weeks.

Grady drove us to a few new places that we hadn’t fished before.  It was a gorgeous day to be out.

DSC_0088 copyI was really impressed with my little guy.  He’s learning well from his daddy.  I was surprised when he “wormed” his own hook.  Little Sis watched in wonder.

DSC_0090 copyThe only help he required was for Mommy to hold the hook steady.

DSC_0099…and for Papa to get the fish OFF the hook.

DSC_0101 copyCade out-fished everyone that day.  Bittersweet for his dad who loves to see his kids excel, but gets slightly urked at being outdone.

DSC_0094 copyDaddy kept leaving the SpongeBob pole in the truck so Jackie let Miss Monkey fish with her.  I’m sure she’ll be a natural.

DSC_0122 copyWe moved a few times and ended up at this really gorgeous spot.

DSC_0116 copyDSC_0120 copyAfter much persuasion we finally got her to touch the fish.  It’s always so comical.

I am NOT a fisherman.  I don’t have the patience for it.  But… I do love to go along.  I’m always looking through the lens and chasing a kiddo around.

DSC_0103 copyI love, Love, LOVE the Flint Hills of Kansas!!!  Miles and miles and miles of beautifully green hills dotted with cattle.  Miss Monkey and I took a little stroll around the pond.

DSC_0113 copyDSC_0126 copyThis is why this part of the country is referred to as the Flint Hills.  The country is covered with these large flint rocks.  We had to be careful because they’re home to snakes, lizards and spiders.  We didn’t see any snakes or spiders, but were entertained by an interesting lizard.

DSC_0128 copyI’m not sure what it is about this picture that puts a smile on my face and brings peace to my soul.  It could be Monkey’s profile or the vibrant colors or her carefree nature, whatever it is makes me want a HUGE print for my wall!!!

The day was great.  It ended with a campfire cookout of steaks and potatoes and a few cold beers.  Perfection.

Peace, love and fish tales!!!


On the 15th my first-born turned…SIX.

I can’t even believe he’s this old.  Wasn’t it just yesterday I was in the hospital for days on end waiting patiently for him to “GET OUT”…????  Wasn’t it just 10 minutes ago that his chubby little legs were waddling across the yard?  I swear it was just a second ago that he learned how to potty in the big potty!!!  Really!  I can’t handle this.  It’s too much.

Enough of my emotional instability with my son’s decision to grow up…

In years past we’ve always had a simple birthday party at our house complete with water balloons, time in the sprinkler and time hanging out on the deck in the sweltering heat of July.

This year Tucker asked for something special.  He wanted a “big boy” party.  What were we to do?  We couldn’t deny his birthday wish.

So, we obliged with a swim party at our local pool with our closest friends and family, followed by hot dogs, chips, cake and ice cream at the park.

He was a VERY. HAPPY. BOY!

Mimi (Grady’s mom) got Ella to the point of really comfortable in the pool.  Thanks, Mimi!

Tucker acted silly and funny with his friends.

For a boy who has struggled with swim lessons and feeling comfortable in the water his enthusiasm and willingness to jump right in made my heart happy.

Tuck LOVES Monster Jam Monster Truck racing!!!  Since Grady and I were out-of-town until the morning of his party Jackie volunteered to make his cake.  I think she did a “BANG UP” job!!!  (Ha! Ha!  I made a funny!)

Tuck was surrounded by the people who love him the most.

These are Tucker’s best buds, as he would say.  I can’t wait to watch these boys grow up into young men.  I have a feeling they’ll have some tales to tell along the way.

To say this kid simply had fun would be an understatement.  Tucker was THRILLED with his party.

…which meant his mommy and daddy were thrilled with his happiness.

Happy birthday to my sweet boy.  You’re growing up too fast and I’m having a hard time letting you get bigger.  I couldn’t be more proud of who you are and who you’ll become.



Peace, love and burnin’ candles!!!

The Gears Are Turning

Last night Tucker got out one of the puzzles he got for Christmas. 

We hadn’t attempted a big puzzle yet and I was impressed that he wanted to start with this one.  It’s a little on the wild side. 

I helped get the outer edges put together and then I let him work on the middle. 

He struggled for a little bit and had to study the box. 

Then it was like a lightbulb just came on. 

He knew EXACTLY where everything went.  I was even having a hard time finding the right pieces to help out and he just GOT it.

I told him that I wanted to see him finish it and he was excited to do all on his own.

I’ve always known he was an incredibly bright and smart child, but when I get to see it in action it just makes my heart shine.

Mission accomplished.

Peace, love and pieces.

Game Night

Tuesday night was game night. 

We made a quick supper and decided to teach Tucker how to play Jenga.  Grady and I both love this game.

Tucker did REALLY well for being 5!!

Ella was bored and ready to do something else so she decided to pout.

Mucho concentration.

This always amazes me.

Then we switched to a game he got for Christmas a year ago…Monkeys Jumping on The Bed.  It’s pretty silly.

You have to act out the different things you do before bed when you land on them.  Grady was “taking a bath”.  I’m loving the goofy face he must make while he bathes. 

At any moment the bed can pop up and the monkeys come tumbling down.

It was a cute game that went with several books that Tucker’s Nana has gotten him.

It was a fun hour to hang out together that wasn’t centered around the tv or the computer.  I hope we remember to do it again soon.

What’s your favorite family fun night activity?

Peace, love and monkey business.